Giulia Cenci
Lai izceltu tik ierastā produkta - kafijas - izcelsmi, savas krūzītes dizainam mākslinieks izvēlējies gleznainas lauku ainavas attēlu, kas apzīmē augsni, attīstību un ciklu, kas beidzas, sākoties nākamajam. Attēls uz apakštasītes atspīd uz krūzes virsmas, radot dinamisku kustību.
Aki Sasamoto
This artist once dug a 7-foot hole in a cement pavement. By jumping up and down on a home-made trampoline at the bottom of the hole, her body disappeared and reappeared over and over, crossing the line that separates the living from the dead. As she jumped, she recited: "People with high elasticity get lost in life. People with low elasticity get bored in life. How elastic are you?" As she pours and sips an espresso into and out of this cup, the artist asks herself: "How adventurous will I be today?"
Capacity: 60ml