"Every coffee bean contains a lot of magic," said Antonio Zavelli, whose family has believed in magic for more than 100 eyears. Since the Zavelli family is from Italy, traditional italian coffee roasting methods and recipes are an important part of the process. Dark Chocolate is a blend of Brazilian Arabica Santos, Colombian Arabica Excelsio and high-quality Indian Robusta (7%) coffee beans. The beans are roasted in Latvia, Riga - Rocket Bean Roastery.
Type of product: Ground coffee
Taste notes: dark chocolate, dried fruit
Caffeine level: high
Intensity: ●●●●○
Acidity: ●○○○○
Sweetness: ●●○○○
Bitterness: ●●●●○
Preparation: Espresso/milk coffee drinks/black coffee/mocca pot/french press
Country of origin: Brazil / Colombia / India
Type of beans: Arabica and Robusta blend